Monday, June 8, 2009

Sitting Bull Exhibition Offers Window into Native American Life

An exhibition on the life and times of Sitting Bull opens this week at the Vapriikki Museum in Tampere. It will run from June 12 through November 8.

The exhibition provides insights into the culture of the Plains Indians, as well as the changes this culture has undergone, through the life story of Sitting Bull.

Sitting Bull, a Lakota Indian, is perhaps one of history’s most famous Native American chiefs. His reputation was beefed up by the rising press of the day, which made him something of a superstar of his time.

The museum says it expects the exhibition to be its star attraction this summer.

“The exhibition on Sitting Bull is our largest expo to date. We’ve been looking to feature the culture of Native Americans for years,” says Tähtitalvikki Poikajärvi of Vapriikki.

The exhibition will be opened by Ernie LaPointe, the great-grandson of Sitting Bull, at Vapriikki on Thursday evening. He will share the traditional way of living of Lakota Indians, who are part of the larger Sioux tribe.

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